
RelativisticPy - General Relativity for physicists in a hurry. Simple equation looking User Interface. Write and Go! It is not the most complex, comprehensive or fast symbolic calculator, but it is a symbolic calculator.

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Installation Guide

1. Installing Python

Before installing the package, you need to have Python installed on your system. If you already have Python, you can skip to the package installation section.

Download Python

Visit the official Python website at and download the latest version of Python. Choose the version that is appropriate for your operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux/UNIX).

Python Installation Instructions


  1. Run the downloaded installer.
  2. Make sure to check the box that says Add Python to PATH at the bottom of the installation window.
  3. Follow the rest of the prompts and finish the installation.


  1. Open the downloaded package and follow the instructions.
  2. Python is typically installed in the Applications folder.


  1. Python usually comes preinstalled on Linux systems. You can check by typing python --version or python3 --version in the terminal.
  2. If not installed, you can install Python using your distribution's package manager (e.g., apt, yum).

2. Installing the Package

Once Python is installed, you can install RelativisticPy using pip, Python's package installer.

Steps to Install the Package

  1. Open your command prompt (Windows) or terminal (MacOS, Linux/UNIX).
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:
  3. pip install relativisticpy
  4. or if you're after a specific version: (e.g. 1.2.3)
  5. pip install relativisticpy==1.2.3
  6. The package and its dependencies will be installed automatically.

Verifying the Installation

After the installation is complete, you can verify it by running:

python -m your_package_name --version

This should display the installed version of RelativisticPy.

3. Troubleshooting

If you encounter any issues during the installation, consider the following: